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Thursday, 28 June 2012

End of Year Bottle Neck

The end of June is a dance of increasing complexity as the Counselling Department tries to meet the needs and wishes (rational and emotional) of many diverse groups including first and foremost students who are trying to coordinate their courses with highschool grad requirements, university entrance requirements, parents hopes, student hopes  and so forth.  Also included is the ELL department, the LST department, the math department, the English department and administrative needs and wishes.  All these needs and requests need to be coodinated with the "failure" lists, recommendation lists, summer school registration lists, online school registration lists. When dealing with 1500 students (and 3.0 FTE counsellors) this task of timetabling for the upcoming school year becomes in intense process requiring careful coordination and open communication well ahead of the end of June.


  1. thanks for all your hard work this year Brent. I am really enjoying your blog. Good for you to get it going. What a great way for you to connect with our school community and beyond. I think a blog such as yours is a way for us to throw open the doors of the school and connect with a much wider audience. Kudos.

  2. Thanks Sheila. Sorry to take so long to get back to you. I appreciate all the opportunities you are providing for staff to grow and try out new skills in a safe and supportive environment. Have a great year!
